Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Surrey Cars!

This morning had that beautiful June Gloom overcast which was perfect for our day downtown. We headed down to rent Surrey carts and enjoy another great Summer day! There are always moments that I wish I could freeze and these are one of them as it was so fun to just hang out with my kids and laugh as we tried to steer these big carts around the boardwalk. We saw some great sights and had a lot of fun along the way! We all laughed at the thought of dad being with us as he gets a little "anxious" when we are out in busy public places and we had a couple close calls and minor "accidents" but nothing too serious!

 Parker and Bailey loved the Seal sleeping on the dock!
 For a while Parker wanted to run and get some energy out! By the time Bailey
 and I caught up to him, he was pretty whipped out!

1 comment:

tammy said...

You live in such a fun place.