We know that our Monday night Family home Evening is going to be great when Grandma Sue calls and has us over for dinner - The Best Ribs, sweet Potatoes and other fixings EVER!!! We even had my ever Busy dad join us for the meal! All I can say is YUMMY!!
you just posted this. why are we still up. we should be sleeping. the only reason my kids get anything better than cereal in the morning before school is because we don't start until 9am. i am so not the super mom. when's your surgery. i want parker to come over and play with lily. they could be soul mates. or the bain of each other's existance.
I have a great love for taking pictures and am known to have a camera at my side at all times! I love to see the raw emotion that only a photo can capture. This is my outlet in life and what truly keeps me "sane!"
you just posted this. why are we still up. we should be sleeping. the only reason my kids get anything better than cereal in the morning before school is because we don't start until 9am. i am so not the super mom. when's your surgery. i want parker to come over and play with lily. they could be soul mates. or the bain of each other's existance.
what surgery?? hello??? why haven't you blogged about that!!? sue's cooking, sounds good at almost midnight! :) and dad is so stinking cute...
I love the rib face!
how many points are ribs?
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