Okay so thanks to my friends Jen and AnneMarie.. I have 2 similar tags to blog about!
3 Goals:
1. Get house organized (after 11 years of kids in the house I will have my first 4 hour hiatus when school starts!) Seriously, you should see the list!
2. Make it to Pinkberry at least once a week - that can be a goal, right?
3. Learn to heart Water ( I would rather be holding a diet cherry Pepsi)
3 Obsessions:
1. Diet cherry Pepsi (which my mother-in-law Sue got me started on! thanks Sue)
2. Summer Olympics (I know it's over, but Tivo has been recording for me)
3. Anything Blog worthy
3 Fears:
1. My kids health and happiness (sounds weird - I WANT them to be healthy and happy)
2. Bart discovering all of the "TREASURES" I have stored in our guest room
3. Parker never pooping on the potty... ever!
3 Random Facts:
1. I know the personal email address to Brad Pitt
2. I will have my own show, thanks to Oprah.
3. I can eat whatever I want (I just drink diet cherry Pepsi for the fun of it!)
Okay.. so I didn't really have time for the random fact part as kids are calling, and Parker is pooping... not on the potty mind you!
I tag all four of my sisters!
Thanks for playing along! Why didn't I go to the reunion?? Seriously? It was one GIANT beer brawl. Every email invite was mailny about what bar/how much alcohol/etc. It probably would've been funny, though.
The pics were through a group room that I accidentally deleted the password for.
I will tell you this..everyone that was SO HOT 20 years ago...not so much any more, and vice versa. HILARIUOS!!
Heather, that was hilarious! I do'nt know if I can be as funny as you! If I have time, I will do it! LOVEYOU!!!
That's hilarious!!!! The pooping out of the potty - not so hilarious for you!
I have to say I like these little tags and I loved your comment about Parker. Don't you just wish you could explain to kids how gross it is to NOT go poppy in the potty!
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