Monday, August 25, 2008

We love President Muffin!

Parker wanted to say the prayer last night and so he started by saying "Once upon a Time"... than he looked up and said "no no no that's not right."
Once he got it right, he said, "Mommy, will you help me?"
I told him to say thank you for the prophet President Monson. He paused and thought about it for a minute and said 'We thank you for President Muffin!" I just couldn't correct that one and we all had the giggles by then anyway!



MBlairsLars said...

Cute, I love Parker stories.

diane said...

That is the best!

Mark and Meghan said...

so stinking cute! and sorry about the tag thing...i don't do the tag stuff! love you to death though :) what was the blog you were telling me about...