Monday, August 18, 2008

Mondays at the Beach!

Summer is coming to an end and we are so sad to see the long days turn dark sooner and grow cold earlier! Although it is all relative - as we were coming back from the beach tonight and my kids were screaming for me to crank on the heater - I was on the phone with my friend Cheryl (who lives in Arizona) and she was laughing that we were cold in 74 degree weather. Hey, we are San Diegans - what more can I say?

Bart bought one of the foam surf boards at Costco to take the girls out in the water! They had so much fun trying their hand at surfing and Bart is secretly hoping that one of them will be "gifted" so that he can take them out on a regular basis!
Caitlin caught a wave!


jaime said...

wow. check out caitlin!!! she's so hardcore on that surfboard. i love it!

Mark and Meghan said...

awesome...i want to try that surfboard next time i'm home...which i don't know when it's going to be :( miss you guys

The Trainas said...

don't worry, my kids get cold when it's under 70 degrees and complain it's too hot when it's over 80. crazy! BTW- you've been tagged. See my blog for directions.

diane said...

Cute little surfer girls!

Christina said...

As I looked at the pictures I couldn't help sing this song!!!

Little surfer little one
Made my heart come all undone
Do you love me, do you surfer girl
Surfer girl my little surfer girl

I have watched you on the shore
Standing by the ocean's roar
Do you love me do you surfer girl
Surfer girl surfer girl

We could ride the surf together
While our love would grow
In my Woody I would take you everywhere I go
So I say from me to you
I will make your dreams come true
Do you love me do you surfer girl
Surfer girl my little surfer girl

Girl surfer girl my little surfer girl

Girl surfer girl my little surfer girl

Girl surfer girl my little surfer girl