Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cue the Circus Music!

Soooo......My 14th Anniversary was spent watching my little boy try to poop on the potty all day - Bailey even tried to help motivate him to stay put and poop by reading to him!
Then, while we were gone to the movies and dessert - Parker got "dressed up" by his big sisters.. and they really know how to do it up! Parker will probably be applying for the Barnum and Bailey circus soon! (Hey... if that happens, the upside is that we will get great Circus seats!)
Thanks Girlies!

That's my Boy!!


Elizabeth said...

that is hilarious! Poor Parker!
Hey Bailey's hair is looking really cute? did you get it fixed or what?

Annemarie said...

Love it...bet his dad did, too! THe Snow White sippy cup really takes it over the edge!!
Cute, cute boy!!!

Mark and Meghan said...

who was watching him that let them do that? he makes a pretty cute girl! :)

dave said...

I about peed my pants...those are the funniest pictures...how much did you pay that babysitter? :)

Jill Burke said...

He DOES make a cute girl!!? :) That's what you get w/ three big sisters I guess!

Gretchen Edwards said...

i was blog hopping and came across you. you might not remember me from mm ward. Your fam is so cute and so grown up!!