Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Versary!

This goes out to my sweet guy of fourteen years! Sooooo hard to believe it! It has all been a blur! Only kidding! I have really lucked out and married not only my best friend but the most thoughtful, loving and metrosexual man you will ever meet! (Hey, what can I say? Bart likes a good massage and an occasional pedicure!)
Happy 14th!
I love you Barty Boy!!


Elizabeth said...

Happy Anniversary! I love you both! we need to go to Sea World Heather? I'm calling you!

Annemarie said...

Awwww!! Happy day!!!

Princess Sarah said...

Happy Anniversary you two!

Pyatt said...

I can't believe it's been 14 years...that is crazy to me!!! I still remember planting flowers the afternoon of your reception for your reception like it was yesterday!!! Congrats...we look up to you both so much!

Amy said...

Congratulations Heather & Bart...cute pic:-)

Mark and Meghan said...

happy anniversary! i can't believe it's been that long either! soooo crazy.

and awesome that the girls took tennis lessons! those are my kind of girls!

Christina said...

WOW! 14! that's just so cool! Happy Anniversary!