Friday, February 22, 2008

There is honesty!

Okay so today was crazy -it was a throw back to the good old days! I took Bailey to preschool and I had twenty dollars in my pocket to give to Bailey's teacher for the class fund. well, when I got to Bailey's class, her teacher wasn't there and so I decided to keep the money and give it to her when she was there. So, I stuck the money in my pocket with my car keys and said goodbye to Bailey. When Parker and I walked back to the car it was raining and wet. So, I hurried and stuck him in the car and grabbed my keys and jumped in. As I drove away, I went to grab my money and put it back in my purse - it was gone! Now, let me say, it was only twenty dollars, but I was so mad at myself. I kept thinking that I should have turned it in that morning and than it wouldn't have been lost. (you know all of those thoughts?) Anyway, I just gave up and thought oh well I lost 20 dollars.
After preschool I picked up Bailey and we were driving home. I just had the thought to call the school and see if by chance it was turned in... yeah right? What are the odds? I was even embarrassed to be calling. I spoke with someone in the office and just asked if any money had been turned in - she had me hold on the line for a moment and when she came back she asked what kind of car I had and the color. I thought that that was odd, but whatever. I told her and she said that yes, she had my money and that someone had turned it in that morning. They saw me drop it and wrote down my license plate and car so I could get it. I just couldn't believe that someone was honest enough and took the time to turn the money in. I can't believe that I even called as I thought that there was no way! Isn't that great?


Mark and Meghan said...

i'm impressed...that's a cool story. i'm grossed out by parkers toilet wand stunt. and would've killed him if that was my couch!? seriously least he's cute!!

Annemarie said...

YEA!!! You have a blog! I've been catching up on your family. It's so much fun to see your cute kids and what is going on with you!

Jill Burke said...

Woah - that's SUCH a mom move!! :) But seriously amazing that someone would do that. How great! loveya

Amy said...

Great blog, Heather! I had fun browsing through and seeing the fun photos of your cute family.
Also loved your'll have to teach me how to do the rolling pictures and music! Thanks again for hosting the shower tonight. You are an amazing hostess--a skill I never received:-)