I remember the butterflies in my stomach and feeling nervous the first day of school. I was extra freaked out this year for my kids as Maddie would be starting middle school and Parker would enter Kindergarten - those are big deals!
Also, how different is it to have all of your children in school - this is crazy to have this much free time to get a million things done - don't get me wrong though -
the time seems to go by very quickly!
Anyway, Back to The kids....the night before school I made up some little first day treats for the kids to give their teachers - I know when I taught school little things like that meant a lot!
Also, Bart gave each child their Father's blessings before school. Parker came up to me once his was done and said "Mom I really like the words that dad told me in my blessing." So cute! He also told Bailey that Heavenly Father would watch over them at school.
Parker is my little guy that seems to have anxiety whenever he starts something new or different! so... I made him a little book to carry in his backpack to let him know that we loved him. {Thanks Wendie for the idea} I told him just to look at it if he was feeling a little homesick. I hope that helps him!
I must say, He woke up pretty excited about the day and getting ready.
I think it was once we got to school that the tears started and he wanted me to stay with him. His teacher, Mrs. Cotterell was amazing and came over and asked him to be her special helper - which is just what he needed to hear. Poor little guy!
I made the kids take their annual poses before they set off for the day! Caitlin and Maddie are pretty good sports about stuff like that - they just don't know any differently!
So... off to school they went and once school was over they all gave it a big thumbs up! Hallelujah!
After school, it was really fun to just gather them around, eat some yummy brownies...
and talk about their first day {that and fill out about an hours worth of paperwork} Caitlin loved school because she is now the big 8th grader. Maddie was super excited because her friend McKayla was in four of her classes - lucky girl! Bailey loved school because well... Bailey just loves school and Parker said he met a new boy named John and he really liked his teacher! I was so happy to hear them all chattering so fast and excitedly talking about their day!
That night we had our annual Back-to-School dinner - I want to teach them about the whole good, better, best idea and for them to put forth their best self whether it be in school, sports, friendships, whatever! I hope they really make the most of each day and are happier for knowing they at least tried their best! After all, that is all anyone can ask!
As for me, my days are filled now with lists and projects that have been 13 years in the making. Also, I am really excited to start the whole photography thing! You will never hear me say that I have nothing to do all day! Nope, not once!
ok, serisouly you are amazing. i so hope that someday i can take the time to make so many cute things for my kiddos and make each day feel so special for them. thanks for all the inspiration!
congrats on reaching the milestone of all the kiddos in school! We oughta meet up for lunch on one of our many free days!
I can't believe Parker is in school...where does the time go...
All cute ideas! I especially love the little book you put in Parker's backpack. Wish I would've known that when my boys started kindergarten. And yes, the time does go by fast. I never seem to get all I want done while they're gone!
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