I just got back from a magical week at girls camp!
It was so much fun to attend camp and have my own daughter there as well. We just kept commenting that everything about girl's camp this year felt inspired and wonderful from the leaders to the girls that came. What a wonderful week for these young girls to come together and feel the spirit and hopefully build strong testimonies that will stay with them throughout their lives!
I bet you and all the girls had a great time. I know how hard you worked on it and I know it all turned out wonderful. I am sure all the girls are excited about next year. I will call you today after church!!!
How fun to get to be there with your daughter. Nothing like girls camp.
Love the pictures and can't believe your oldest daughter is there...and she looks so happy!! The time flies...good to catch up with you last night!!
cute caitlin! i'm sure she had a blast!
Did this bring back some fond memories of when we were at Girls Camp???
That spider grosses me out and I'm impressed that you killed it.
You guys did a great job with girls camp! I'm so glad we were able to drive up Thursday night. I have to say, after the first few testimonies, i was wondering who the "Destiny" girl was. It took me awhile, but i finally figured it out. :)
Hey. is that my old friend Shelley Stapley? Not that she's old but I have known her for over 20 years. I am old however. Crazy small world.
Glad you had fun. Even happier that I have never gone to girl's camp as an adult. Always manage to get out of it.
glad you are back. it looks like you had fun. all the girls looked exhausted today.
Oh how fun! We had girls camp 2 weeks ago, and I loved going and having my daughter be there also. I must admit, it took me almost a week to catch up on all the lost sleep :)
I was just called to be in YW! I'm so excited to be with Miss Hoconsivpe. I'd sure love to pick your brain:)
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