Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wants and Needs!

Is Parker possibly smarter than I am? I took the kids shopping yesterday and we were buying a lot of little things for our upcoming trips we have planned - you know... bras, underwear, pj's, bathing suits! Parker was watching all of this go down and he wandered off to look at the toy section with one of his sisters. before long, he came back over and handed me some hot wheel cars and said, "I want these!" To which I said, "No way! You have a bazillion cars at the house and we are only buying things that we NEED right now. The girls need new socks, bras, etc... which I am sure he translated as hearing "blah blah blah!" But, he must have been listening a little, because he took the hot wheels cars and threw them in my cart and said, "Mom, I NEED these!" What can I say?

We bought them under the title of being NEEDED!! That little smarty pants!


MBlairsLars said...

He is one smart that boy!

Annemarie said...

I think I NEED a new pair of shoes.

Mark and Meghan said...

ha, i'm so sure...and you gave in?! he is pretty smart...and very cute!

tammy said...

I tend to follow the same idea as him on shopping.

diane said...

I totally get that argument.

That boy is brilliant.

Melissa-Mc said...

Of course he needs some more cars!

lericksen said...

I love Moms like you!