Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 6th.. I am thankful for....


Caitlin as they enter the stage!
Julia, Caitlin and Emily
Emily and caitlin
The supportive family members

We went to hear Caitlin perform with her middle school choir at the High school tonight!
I teach choir at the elementary school and if I hadn't had surgery I would have been there with my own group performing!
It was so nice to hear the different schools come together and sing for the Veterans! they sounded angelic! Caitlin loves to sing and seriously I can't stop her half the time!
Good job Girl! You looked and sounded Beautiful!


Shell in your Pocket said...

How fun! What pretty girls!
-sandy toes

Elizabeth said...

good job Caitlin! I'm sure you sounded beautiful! Keep practicing and you could be the next American Idol!!

Pyatt said...

I know...who the heck is the Brittney SPears leaving comments on my I need to go private? I love the pictures of the concert...seriously...Kaitlyn looks so grown have beautiful kids!!!