Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tears of JOY!!!

We made sure the backpacks were filled to the brim with school supplies and
Love notes from Mom were secretly placed in the lunches!

First day of school treats for the teachers (AKA bribes to make your kid look good) were given.....
and we said our goodbyes!!

Now, I am off to drown my sorrows with a little shopping and a Pinkberry!
Anyone care to join me?

Who am I kidding? The kids were home faster than you can even eat a Pinkberry and so we made some brownies and licked some batter! First school day down - Only 180 more to go!


jaime said...

heather!! you just might be the cutest mom ever!

and btw...bribes? awesome.

diane said...

I'll teach your kids if I can get one of those cakes. Nice bribery!
It's the most wonderful time of the year.

Rachel said...

Looks like we have the same obsession - pinkberry! Love it. There is a yogurt place here called white lime that comes an extremely close second. It is so fun because you get to serve yourself and add your own toppings and then you pay by weight -quite fun! You are so cute with all your dinners and special little treats for the kids.

Amy said...

Oh Heather. You are way too cute with all your crafty stuff!

How was Caitlin's first day of Middle school?

Anonymous said...

WOW!! you are such a great MOMMA!!!!

Princess Sarah said...

Love the bundt cake "bribes!" Seriously-though--can you adopt me?
haha!! ;0)