I just have to put this out there! I love all of my kids - but... (here it goes) I don't always like them at times! Maddie was on "thin ice" with me tonight! Poor kid! We went to piano lessons and she hadn't really practiced like she should have so I knew I would probably be hearing it from her teacher.
We then had to get all of the darn school supplies that weren't known about until the week of! On the way to a million different stores (because everything had been picked over) I rehearsed with my four kids that they were to stay by me and not ask for anything - we were on a mission for school stuff and that was it!
Well, to make a long story even longer - Maddie didn't stay by me and once I did find her she was begging me for a sidewalk chalk spray gun (What?) So, I calmly said no a half dozen times. Than I started to lose my cool. She was mad and when we looked for her school supplies she was putting some pretty funky things in the cart! She wanted some $7 three ring binder that looked like it had come from Wal-mart (go figure cuz that's where we were at the time - but...puhleeze - no way!)
So, I threw a cheap $3 white binder in and told her that was what she was getting. I was still pretty mad at her! On the car ride home I went on and on about her not listening (but I am sure to her it sounded like the teacher from Charlie Brown - remember the one that noone understands?)
When we got home - she was fed, put to bed and she came downstairs to give me a hug and a kiss! She even said sorry and that she loved me! I felt so bad about getting on her for being a kid (half the time I think I expect mini-adults for children) So, I took her ugly notebook and tried to pretty it up! I hope she likes it and even more than that I hope she knows I love her too!
Hi, dropping by via Mormon Mommy blogs. I'm a co-Saucy Mom :-) I totally get this post. And my kids are teen-agers...so somethings don't change much, but it's good that the love stays constant.
Oh I know that scenario well, especially the part about finding out about certain school supplies after the fact. SO ANNOYING! You handled it well...my kids didn't get a fancy notebook out of it.
I totaly relate. Ellie has a way of turning a simple trip to Target into a drama rama! But your folder turned out so cute her friends are all going to be jealous! Way to go Mommy!
oh man! that's annoying, but you made it really really cute! I love it!!
look at you...have i mentioned you are the best mom? cuz you are.
and it's good to know that i am not the only one who snaps when she takes her kids shopping...
poor maddie..i love her too! that is a cute folder you whipped up head...but i'm not surprised! i cannot believe all of them are in school! crazy. you are getting up there aren't you?
and the back to school dinner nite is such a cute idea...i'm stealing in about ten years! ha
You crack me up! Maddie has the best folder now! We saw Grandpa Rod at Baskin Robbins on Tuesday night walking in with a huge bowl. I just thought he was really hungry for ice cream or something. What a great Grandpa (and mom)!
you are so cool! I would of loved that binder if I were your girl!
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