Thursday, August 28, 2008

He Pooped!!!!

All I can say is....FINALLY!!!
He made it to the potty!


Princess Sarah said...

Heather! i love you! you are sooo funny with your "poop" posts!!
I am dying laughing! (and I needed a laugh!) thanks! ;)

Elizabeth said...

Yay For Parker! Way too go!!

Annemarie said...


Rachel said...

Heather it has been so long, I seriously cannot believe that you are Jens sister - that is so funny. When I see you guys in pictures together it makes sense, she cracks me up. I had fun getting to know her this year when we both went to girls camp. You have the cutest family and I have enjoyed reading your blog. Seriously time flies I cant believe how old our kids are - and us for that matter. Im adding you to my blogs to stalk!

Amy said...

Wow! Clip this out and paste it in his wedding journal...hee hee. Hey missie, what's up with the clock on your blog? None of that in blog world, you should know that. We are supposed to get lost in blog land and be completely UNAWARE of the time. Shame on you for helping us get responsible with our time:-)

Pyatt said...

Hey Friend, okay I heard about your upcoming surgery and we need to figure out how we are going to take over your household for a few days so you can recover...or for a few weeks right? Call me soon and btw I tagged you ya!

Peterson Clan said...

We can all now do "The Poopy Dance"!! Yaayy! That's so funny that Rachel just figured that out and sent you a message! I love her and her family is adorable!

Sherry said...


Pulleazze tell me your secret, all my g.f.'s are dying, can't get their boys poopy trained!

Sherry (your mom's cousin!)

The blogging Bakers said...

Heather-yeah he is now truly potty trained, that was such a great day when Kyle finally pooped on the potty, after four hours of reading and drinking and eating candy in the bathroom, I know it sounds gross, but we tried everything, who knew that all it took was the threat of an enema, anyway congrats that is a big milestone.

Rach said...

Yea!! Boys always have a harder time with the poop!! Way to go Parker. Preschool here you come. Lily is so proud of you too.