Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Banana Bread and Paper Birds...A.K.A. Preschool at my house!

So, Caitlin is at babysitting camp this week at the club. Maddie has been playing at the neighbor's house which leaves the other two wondering (murmuring) what they are going to do for the day!

Creative mother that I am... I saw nine ripe bananas in my kitchen... so a couple of cracked eggs and baker's hats later, we made some yummy Banana bread.

If you look closely you can see the tears of joy on Parker's face when he realized he would be "helping " make the bread!

I also got this really cute Bird template off of the Family Fun website and the kids were able to make these little paper birds. Talk about Preschool craft and baking hour... I was tired once we were done... not to be a killjoy or anything, but I am excited for kindergarten and preschool to take over!


Annemarie said...

Oh you're good. It is VERY exhausting playing preschool teacher. DONE!

Mark and Meghan said...

such a cute idea heather. i love those baker hats! and birds...and i'd like a piece of banana bread right now!
p.s. bai's hair is so cute, really!

jaime said...

those birds are so stinkin' cute!!!

what a fun mom you are. next time jaxson is bored i am totally sending him over.

Elizabeth said...

those birds are soooo adorable!!

Jeanne said...

Seriously, great minds think alike. I haven't posted the pics yet, but Jena and I made banana muffins today too. So funny! I also wanted to say that I LOVE Bailey's hair.

diane said...

You could make some serious bank with your craft classes.

Tara Edwards said...

I'm going to start calling you Martha! How fun.