Saturday, August 2, 2008

All in a day... my friends... all in a day!

When you have six active little kids running around you really have to learn how to pack it in!

I got the kids ready and we headed to the
mall... yes to the Mall.... I needed serious retail therapy for a couple of hours! The kids were great - they really were because I told them that if they would shop at Banana Republic and Macey's (plus a couple of other shops I sprung at them) we would then go to the park and have a picnic and ride the train! Mission accomplished!

Then, of course, we ended the day like every other day - at the

Parker and Carson laughing over a "knock-knock-who's there" joke that I am pretty sure had a potty word like poo-poo head in it somewhere!

Trains, planes and automobiles!

Watch my kid swim - I can't believe it!


Peterson Clan said...

Heather...that is soo cool that he can finally start swimming by himself!! I swear everytime I read your blog it's like I'm reading about my Cami, cuz she potty trained herself and also as of a few weeks ago started swimming with out floaties too under the water just like Parker!! Yeah for us...We see "the light"...

Elizabeth said...

cute pictures! I'm so jealous that Parker is swimming. Can he please Taylor? (who's way older than him!)

Mark and Meghan said...

ummm...i guess i shouldn't have spent 75 dollars on swim lessons for porter...i cannot believe that parker is swimming so well! that's seriously awesome! (i thought porter was doing good!)

Heather said...

Jenn - I cannot believe that you even commented! do you check our blogs or what? :0)

Jeanne said...

My mom always says that after 4 kids it's just chaos all the time, so it doesn't matter if there are 5 or 8, or even a few extra friends, it's just chaos. They look like they had a great time all together. Parker is amazing, I can't believe he can swim that well!