Thursday, July 31, 2008

They're cute...but watch out!

Well, I seriously have not had much time to be blogging! What with six kids and all.... today was movie day and as we returned I had fun fishing batteries out of the toilet and finding smelly lotion all over my closet. So, with that said, we were out the door again to swim! We ended the day with two little boys knocked out in bed (FINALLY) and four little girls staying up late to watch some 3-D Hannah Montana!
Good times!
The culprits
Movie time!
Carson's face once he found out how much candy I had brought to the movies!
The girls in our bed bopping out to Hannah Montana! I, unfortunately, don't have the picture of
Bart and I crashed on the bed soon after!
Whew...What a day!!!!


Elizabeth said...

how cute, I love the boys matching shirts! Heather, seriously i'm so sorry about Bailey's hair again! I know you probably want to kill me! I love you and i owe you! haha :)

Diane Riding said...

Oh honey.........I don't know how you've done it this entire week......but you've sure done a great job! Maybe you should have had "six" kids........or maybe not, huh? You've done such fun things with them and been so patient! Good job! You're a pretty terrific little mom, if I say so myself! Yeah, I'm sorry about Bailey's hair too........guess I was part of that little cutting edge experience too and have to take part of the blame, along with "hair stylist Elizabetha!" Actually, I think she looks pretty darn cute! x0x0x0x0

Mark and Meghan said...

umm, what happened to bailey's hair?? hahah, sounds like a disaster, and i can't believe it hasn't been blogged about! are they almost home yet??

Christina said...

yup that's melissa musser now tafola, she's back in SD after moving around a lot with her military husband....

I'm not 30 yet, but soon will be in November on the 24th!