Thursday, December 9, 2010

Beach cruising in December!

I snuck away with the kids today and we went down to Pacific Beach to hang out. We ate dinner down there and rented bikes so that we could ride along the board walk. If there was  a moment in life that  I wish I could hold onto forever it would be down there at the beach watching my kids carefree and all of them laughing and enjoying the beach, their bikes and each other.  It is so crazy not to have a little one in a stroller or having to walk with one of them because they can't ride a bike! Life is changing and I am really starting to embrace it!  
The best part of the afternoon happened when Parker realized that the only bike he could ride was pink. I saw him stare at his sisters to make sure they weren't laughing, and than he shrugged his shoulders and jumped on.  Like I always tell him, 
"Cool guys wear pink!" He made me proud!
After our biking adventure we jumped into the car and headed to the Alzheimer center to do some Christmas caroling. This is the third year we have participated and my kids really love going. They have a group of dogs come in from Love on a Leash and my kids went crazy at that point!
I am never hearing the end of how much our family NEEDS a dog!
I think they are wearing me down! Sigh!


Pyatt said...

That sounds like a practically perfect day!!

Diane Riding said...

What a wonderful day to spend with your babies.........don't you wish every day could be like that? Cherish those moments and make more of them happen!! I love how you take the time and spend it with your children......that is time well, well spent!! x0x00x

tammy said...

We were just cruising around in the Camaro with the windows down and I was thinking what a great day it was. I think I like your idea better though. Where can I find a beach in AZ??