Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Catching up...

Thanksgiving is right around the corner - two days..and beyond that..BLACK FRIDAY!!! I can hardly wait!  These Holidays sure do have a way of cramping my style as they creep up so fast and without warning - I have lists and lists of things to do!

We have been really busy and I need a little catch up time on my own life! Yikes!

 Rob threw a little surprise party for my sister Elizabeth once we got back from Vegas!

Cara turned 30-something
 so of course it called for food and fun!

Bart took  the kids and some cousins to see about 40 bengal cats. I had to gently remind him that cats are great...but they are for other people to enjoy! {If it were up to my guy, he would have bought one to bring home!}

My mom got tickets for all the cousins to spend the day at the children's museum. They had a lot of fun...


 dressing up as space creatures....

 rope swinging....

 blowing bubbles.....

 rock climbing....

 playing with clay....

Making bird houses...

and riding pump bikes...
Lucky Kids!
I wish I could send them there every time they had a day off! They loved it!

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