Thursday, September 30, 2010

Only on my blog!

So... I have been tapping into every resource possible to get the votes for this darn contest!
But.. if you have been voting - I can not thank you enough! Micheal Buble thanks you as well! :0)
He may not know me yet - but if any of you know me I will surely try to change that! {right honey?}

So, here is the deal.... I am going to give away some really cool stuff - how about a $10 gift card to ITunes - A Martha Stewart Halloween DVD {I am in love with this DVD - it has so many cool Halloween ideas} and some very delicious Godiva Hot chocolate! {Trust me - it's yummy!}

All you have to do is make sure to leave me a comment that you are voting - if you have a blog and you post about my contest and have your friends come here to my blog and vote, leave me another comment because that will be an extra chance to win - and all you cute little facebookers - if you send your facebook friends my way by telling them about my blog and the contest...the odds just keep getting better!!!!! I need them all! {Can you just hear the desperation?}
I will then use and pick somebody to win the goodies! See it's a win win - I get to see Micheal Buble and you get to sip hot coco and watch Martha Stewart!!!

Thanks thanks!!!


Kim & Brian's Adventures said...

Ok, I'm voting and I really want to win that DVD. Ha!

Vanessa said...


tammy said...

You're so cute.

I voted twice now!

tammy said...

And I'll be blogging about your contest tomorrow.

Patti said...

You KNOW I am voting, MIss Heather! Now I can win as you win...

Patti said...

To Heather, The New Supermom,

I had to leave another comment, as I forgot I had that flower as my profile picture (it is in my garden!).

Taryn said...

I voted!

Anonymous said...

You should be very proud of me...the anti technology in me actually figured out how to vote for you! You deserve it. Julie

Browns said...

I voted. You are indeed supermom! I love your blog and all your fabulous ideas.

AMCutler said...

You are so funny, I had to vote!
Ann Marie

Brooke said...


Pyatt said...

I voted for you supermutt!! and no prize necessary...we are just stoked for the photo shoot!!

Chris and Dianne Clan said...

I've been voting everyday!

Liz said...

I voted

Brooke said...

Voted... Again...

Jeanne said...

You KNOW I'm voting!!!

Natasha and Jesse said...

I'm voting!

Steinau Family said...

You are nuts, but cute. I try to remember to vote everyday. - Cindy S.

deveney said...

i am voting for you missy!