Monday, April 19, 2010

Go lefty!

Maddie and Caitlin are almost done wrapping up another season of softball. My kids love going to the games - who wouldn't? Rolling in the grass, cheering for sisters, snack bar tickets - need I say more?
Both girls have had a great season and they really love softball!

On a more fattening note, go to 
and make these yummy Lemon glaze cookies.
I doubled the recipe and Wowee - they are tart and delicious! 
We talked {in FHE} about making lemonade out of lemons
- or in this case - lemon glaze cookies!
Now, I need to get these out of my home! 


Elizabeth said...

Go Maddie and Caitlin! I wish we were there to watch you!!!

Pyatt said...

Hey are one of those bags of yummy cookies for me? It was good to see you the other night!!

tammy said...

Once again, I wish I were your neighbor!

HeaddaMarie said...

Where do you get all those cute boxes & bags that you put your goodies in??

Heather said...

I get a lot of them at a wholesale store called Shinodas - and also from

Erika said...

Those cookies were amazing!!! I LOVE lemon desserts.