Apparently the story was that Dad turned on the oven for the pot roast and didn't realize that the pavlova was inside! Hence, dad burned his own birthday dessert! But, if I recall correctly, every last bit of it was eaten and enjoyed!
Can you imagine the comments? Scandalous!
Happy Birthday to your cute dad!!
I'm dying over Bart's shirt. Classic.
i'm glad i finally made it on your blog...because i'm here!!! yeah!
I love that you make pavlova - mmmm there isnt much better. Do you put a lemon topping on before the whipping cream and bananas?
Dude--so long is Meghan in town? I met Bart's cousin on Sunday...she is in our ward! Small world huh?
Did you make the Pavlova...yours is always so good! Your Dad is the best!
Bart's t-shirt is awesome! I have a feeling he would get along well with my hubster.
OMG Bart..that shirt..I cannot believe you are wearing that!! Well, yes I can! HAHA! I am totally getting John that shirt! HA!
Looks like it's nothing but birthdays in your neck of the woods. How come 'poppa' didn't get a pinata too?
Love the shirt and that dessert looks yummo! Your dad's a cutie, and the all girls picture is adorable, you are so blessed to have all those sisters and a sweet mom.
The shirt is hilarious!!!!!! Great Job Bart!!!
that was so fun hanging out with you guys! I love bart's shirt and his story about the old couple at the beach! haah
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