Okay - so good luck with answering the questions with only one or two words - but this is a pretty cute little tag!
Answer the following with only one or two words.2. Your significant other?.......................in bed
3. Your hair?....................................in ponytail
4. Your mother? .................................on internet
5. Your father?.................................. sleeping
6. Your favorite thing?..........................size 8 jeans - Ha!
7. Your dream last night?........................too fun
8. Your favorite drink...........................jamocha shake (from Arby's)
9. Your dream/goal?..............................fit in size 8 jeans
10. The room you're in?..........................family room
11. Your children?.....................................sleeping - Yeah!
12. Your fear?...................................never fitting in size 8 jeans (thanks to Jamocha shakes!)
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years...........On a reality show called 'You're to skinny!"
14. Where were you last night?...................Del Mar beach
15. What you're not?.............................quiet/shy
16. Muffins......................................banana nut
17. One of your wish list items?.................Anthropologie sweater (shallow..yes.. but that stores on my brain)
18. Where you grew up?...........................sunny San Diego
19. What you read last........................I, Mona Lisa
20. What are you wearing?........................pajama's
21. Your TV?.....................................always going
22. Your pets?...................................stinky chinchilla
23. Your computer? ..............................always on
24. Your life?...................................always fast
25. Your mood?...................................happy
26. Missing someone?.............................my daughter (she's still at the taping of the Biggest Loser)
27. Your car?....................................purse on wheels
28. Something you're not wearing?................fishnet stockings
29. Favorite Store?..............................Anthropologie...duh!
30. Your summer?.................................truly fun
31. Like someone?................................any type A's out there?
32. Your favorite color?.........................chartruse (I love that word)
33. Last time you laughed........................tonight (Parker got hit on the privates with a sword by his dad... long story and Parker said "Dad, you're a bad boy and need a time out!) You had to be there but it was pretty cute!
34. Last time you cried?.........................watching Beaches (What? It gets me every time and it was the only thing on tv at this late hour!)
20. What are you wearing?........................pajama's
21. Your TV?.....................................always going
22. Your pets?...................................stinky chinchilla
23. Your computer? ..............................always on
24. Your life?...................................always fast
25. Your mood?...................................happy
26. Missing someone?.............................my daughter (she's still at the taping of the Biggest Loser)
27. Your car?....................................purse on wheels
28. Something you're not wearing?................fishnet stockings
29. Favorite Store?..............................Anthropologie...duh!
30. Your summer?.................................truly fun
31. Like someone?................................any type A's out there?
32. Your favorite color?.........................chartruse (I love that word)
33. Last time you laughed........................tonight (Parker got hit on the privates with a sword by his dad... long story and Parker said "Dad, you're a bad boy and need a time out!) You had to be there but it was pretty cute!
34. Last time you cried?.........................watching Beaches (What? It gets me every time and it was the only thing on tv at this late hour!)
HA HA HA! You crack me up-Heather!!! You and your size 8's! So funny! I need to try a Jamocha Shake--yummmm!!!!!!!
You loose what you want to loose and I'll buy you those size 8 jeans, my little girl!! x0x0x0x0
Fun tag, Heather....although I think your answers were longer than two words on some...Cheater.
I'll take the tag:-) Fun to see your answers!
man, those size 8 jeans are really on your mind! i hope you can fit in them soon too! :) ha.
i'm so jealous of caitlin that she gets to go see the final taping! FUN! and that lizard is really cute. love and miss you
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