Saturday, July 26, 2008

And the Madness begins...

While my cute little sis-in-law hangs out in Park city and shops 'til she drops, we have her two little ones staying with us. It has been all of ten minutes and they have already played superheroes, ran around like crazy, sword fought and watched parker go on the potty! I think I will be calling for a real superhero to save me as the madness continues! (They really are having so much fun!!)

They turned a couple of decorative stars into guns!
Cute boys... real cute!!


Annemarie said...

Parker will have a HAY DAY with all of the extra testosterone around!

Nice G's Bart.

Elizabeth said...

that video is so cute! Heather you really need to consider having another boy for Parker! come on, look how much fun he's having!!:)

Heather said...

Funny Liz - real funny... here's a deal - you have another girl and I will think about having a boy! Ha!

Pyatt said...

Seriously--I'm with should have one more!! YOu know you can handle it...maybe you could be my surrogate!! :)

Taryn said...

You are in for a fun week Heather! And you don't even have my mom around. Good Luck! And, could you post ANY more? Are you trying to make up for all that time away in Montana?